I had the incredible privilege of attending the “Imparting the Father’s Heart School” hosted by Shiloh Place Ministries this past February. I thought I was attending a school to learn better counseling skills but actually I was encountering a timely message for my own life. Ungodly beliefs, religion, tradition and law had produced 30 years of frustration in both my personal relationship with God and ministry. I kept trying harder to do better so that my unacceptable self might be more acceptable to both God and man.
The two messages that broke into my heart and spirit the most were about the extravagant love of the prodigal’s father and about the Agape Reformation. My Father’s extravagant love goes even beyond the cross into the very creation of my being. To know that there is a place in His heart that only I can fill is both humbling and electrifying. To be part of the season in church history that is known as the Agape Reformation is beyond my comprehension and brings so much of my life into perspective. Satan’s lies are being uncovered and I’m experiencing Father’s heart anew for me.
The Agape Reformation has changed the way I view the value of my family and congregation. More clearly than ever, I can understand their own sense of insignificance and the pain it produces. While this was not a counseling course, I can truly say that I have far better insight into the lives of others and far more of the Father to offer them. I’m learning to love them the way He loves me and we’ve all got a lot more righteousness, peace and joy!
I want to encourage all pastors, leaders, and spouses to attend a Shiloh Place School.