Finding Freedom 202004 - Online Event

April 27-30, 2020

Gain understanding

 Get to the heart of the matter

Build deeper relationships

God's Great Love

God has answered many of prayers through these teachings for myself, my marriage and our family. God is so faithful to complete the work He has begun! What an incredible revelation God has given Shiloh Place of His great Love! 
 - Katherine 

Allow Me To Explain

For our upcoming Finding Freedom Interactive Webinar where we will have online small groups (Breakthrough Groups) as well as teaching and worship. We will look at who God is and why we have difficulty seeing Him as a loving Father. We will then look more deeply at the hinderances that keep us from freely receiving and giving love. 

Why is Love so Difficult?

Feeling distant from God or those you love? Or maybe even your own heart? 
This unique event is geared to bring you experiential ministry, understanding, and tools for finding freedom in loving relationships with God and those around you.

Join us for this 4 day interactive webinar of teaching and ministry.
  • We open each session with worship. 
  • We will move into 45 minutes of teaching to bring you freedom and hope in your situations and relationships. 
  • We will share with you some ways you can learn more about each subject and press in deeper into gaining freedom. 
  • Then for 45 minutes each day, 30 participants(who register) will join smaller breakthrough groups.

Gain understanding and revelation of:

  • Who God really is to you and why
  • What filters hinder us from receiving love from God and others
  • What trauma is, how common it is, and how we get freedom
  • How the lack of nurture, a characteristic of God, keeps us trapped

Experience freedom in these areas by joining virtual Breakthrough Groups!

BREAKTHROUGH GROUPS are safe places with experienced leaders to help you find breakthrough in your heart and soul. Each group will have 5 participants and 1-2 facilitators.
  • We facilitate and welcome Holy Spirit to lead us to areas God wants to touch. 
  • Provide a place to help you discover where your strongholds came from.
  • A safe place with strong boundaries to help you open up and share without any judgement or shame, and the courage to be open to receive healing and comfort in the place of your pain. 
  • You will be asked to try and be in touch with your heart. We realize that is not easy for everyone but we will stick with you! 
  • No one will try to fix you. We are supporting each other in what God is doing in you.

While the event size is unlimited, there are only 15 men's and 15 women's Breakthrough Group slots available! 

Click to Register!

The Power of Father's Love Touching People

I was scared but now I'm free

I've never been comfortable talking about myself, much less the parts that feel dark or shameful. A few years ago, I realized that my friends often knew what I was feeling when I didn’t even realize I was feeling at all. I signed up for April's online small group with a lot of trepidation but I knew it was time. Turns out it was one of the best decisions of my life. I found a safe place, to be seen, heard, encouraged and valued while I allowed God to touch my deep pain. And I am freer and happier because of it. - Carla

Acceptance not Shame

I have experienced some deep healing of wounds concerning my mom. I have experienced a release of shame and condemnation. I have felt so much love and acceptance from the team members, from those attending and from God. I have a renewed hope in God. - Lois


Who is God to Us?

Doug Crew

Hindrances to Receiving Love

Keith and April Jones

Living At Peace in a Traumatized World

Robin & Phyllis Primrose

The Father's Nurturing Heart

Trisha Frost 

April 27-30, 2020
Click to Register!
$19 - Join us for interactive teaching time with real time chat.

$48 - Join us for interactive teaching & be part of a Breakthrough Group (Only 15 Women & 15 Men spots available) 
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