Online Groups? Prayer Ministry? Which one do I want? 

There are essentially three "paths" to choose. You can also travel all of them if you want! 

Doug talks about the differences between Small Groups and Prayer ministry in this video to help you figure out which way to go. 

Women's Group Facilitators

Men's Group Facilitators

Online Small Groups


These groups meet on Zoom Video Conferencing. They create a safe place to come together to share and support one another as we journey together to live the life we are created for. 
Each group will have no more than 5 men or women to create a safe and confidential environment to share and be open for emotional healing and support. 
There will be resources to download to help you with discoveries you will uncover about yourself. The groups will meet weekly for 2-3 months(depending on the leader), and there will be a monthly fee. 


  • I will discover how my negative behaviors are my reactions from my buried pain.
  • I will understand and be able to see how my past is affecting my present life.
  • How to be in a place to receive unconditional love and comfort in the place of my pain and my shameful behaviors.
  • How to be comfortable in my own skin.
  • What loving myself really looks like.
  • How to listen, affirm and give unconditional love to others.
  • How to be with others without the need to give advice.
  • How to be authentic and vulnerable in my relationships with; God, myself, and with others.
  • That feelings are not right or wrong, only indicators of what is really going on inside of me.
  • How to enjoy my life instead of just surviving through the drama and crisis’.
  • How to find my own journey in this process of healing and living in freedom to be myself in every situation.
  • And More

Ok, I want to join a small group!  What do I do now?

1. Check out the team bios below to find the facilitator you feel is the best match for you. 
2. Click the Contact button to get in touch with them and join a group! 


Women's Group Facilitators

Men's Group Facilitators

What do people say about online groups? 

I was scared but now I'm free

I've never been comfortable talking about myself, much less the parts that feel dark or shameful. A few years ago, I realized that my friends often knew what I was feeling when I didn’t even realize I was feeling at all. I signed up for April's online small group with a lot of trepidation but I knew it was time. Turns out it was one of the best decisions of my life. I found a safe place, to be seen, heard, encouraged and valued while I allowed God to touch my deep pain. And I am freer and happier because of it. - Carla
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