Orphan Son Handout

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While You Wait, Watch This Special Sonship Video From Trisha Frost & Doug Crew!

Discover How To Walk In Sonship Today!

Did you know that being a son or daughter of God will greatly affect your satisfaction level in life?

When you realize you’re a son/daughter of the King of Kings, you’ll realize that you will never have to live in lack because He enjoys supplying all of your needs! This means that you’ll no longer be in bondage to sin and you’ll be free to live abundantly.

Think about it.

Everything that you do that is rooted outside of sonship and is influenced by a mindset of lack will result in sin. For example, think about why you’ve lied in the past. It was probably to protect yourself in some way. If you truly knew, in that moment, that God fully protects you, would you have had to lie?

When we realize that we have no lack, as children of God, our satisfaction level has no choice but to increase.

Choose Your Option Below to Activate Your Sonship And Destroy Lack In Your Life:

Spiritual Slavery To Sonship

As the young, hard-nosed, newly appointed captain of a commercial fishing boat, Jack Frost returned after the first week as “Top Hook”-he had out-fished all the others. But he also harpooned his mentor’s heart on the way to the top.

Captain Frost’s exciting and dangerous adventures take you from Cape Horn to Antarctica to the shores of North Carolina and Poland as he describes his journey from a sinking ship of slavery to his maiden voyage of sonship.

Learn how to throw your “orphan” attitude overboard and anchor your heart in God’s inheritance of blessings and prosperity. Identify the counterfeit sources of comfort and affection in your life:

Passions & Possessions.
Position & Performance.
People & Places.

Christen and launch your life’s ship alongside the One who can calm every storm-every time.
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